7:30 Woke Up.
7:42 Watched YouTube video regarding Harlem voters sent by a friend.
7:55 Donated my FaceBook status to Obama campaign.
8:25 Left apartment with Ryan to walk to our polling station. And waited.
8:47 Took excited photo of waiting in line once we reached the sign indicating we were 100 feet from the entrance.
8:55 Entered polling room.
8:57 Provided identification, name, address. Signed registry.
9:00 Wrangled with polling employee about not taking the "I Voted" sticker off of her thumb.
I wanted to take one at the end that had the paper backing on it. Notice in the timeline above that I haven't showered at this point. I had wanted to put a sticker on the clothes I'm REALLY going to wear for the day. Additionally, for those of you who assume I was out of line....even Ryan confirms that I was not. The woman said "Take this." And I responded, "I want to get one of those (gesturing to the end of the line) with the paper on it." And she said "JUST TAKE THIS." I said, "I don't want this one."
And then seeing the flustered and fearful faces of the other polling employees I stepped down to the right to get my ballot. I may have also said "I just want to vote." Or maybe I just thought it. Who knows.
9:03 Stepped into secret booth to vote. Tried to collect myself following the incident with the sticker pusher.
9:04 Cast my vote for President.
9:05 Cast votes on different propositions in California such as the high speed train, Sarah's Law, Prop 8 on gay marriage, and of course I voted for a school board member in there too.
9:08 Ryan and I emerge from the polls and immediately discuss the sticker pusher. Ryan rightly chuckles that if the woman was THIS testy after the polls had only been open for 2 hours, she has a LONG day ahead of her.
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