But I'll skip all the excuses and reveal the latest turn in our adventure. We're moving to California in August! Ryan will be leaving his Sociology program at Notre Dame to attend UC Berkeley Law School. He'll start a program in Human Rights in the fall.

We're both really excited about this upcoming adventure and plan to move at the end of July, taking a few days to spend time with Ryan's family in Kansas City along the way.
Other things we've been up to include a "classic car" auction out in Goshen, IN a few weeks ago. We didn't buy or sell, but simply wandered around. It was great for me to reminisce about the many times in Jr. High and High School that my parents and I joined our family friends at these classic car shows and auctions. Here is a model A that we saw - right before my camera battery died.

Speaking of my Mom - she sent me a very funny (but appropriate) email the other day. I had sent her an email letting her know that the Uganda trip for work had come through. It went something like this:
hi mom,
just wanted to let you know that your mother's day gift was shipped yesterday. also, i found out yesterday afternoon that I am going on the Uganda trip!!
love you,
Do tell more about Uganda – do not send information like this without details! We must know more! Hurry with your reply! Loves
The message gave me a chuckle and she had every right to say "do not send information like this without details!" I would probably throttle my own kid if they sent me a message like that! And then I'd probably ask them to bring back a cool souvenir for me.
And now the story of the duck - because I know that somebody will ask. Our apartment sits on a man-made lake/pond and this is the time of year when little ducklings and goslings are hatched. Ryan went out on a bike ride with our friend Bruce today and while I was at home quietly reading my book Snow. A duck-sounding ruckus was taking place outside so I took a look outside and found that some of my neighbors were throwing rocks at the ducks. I mistook their gestures as an attack only to later realize that they were in fact trying to chase off the mallards in an attempt to rescue a female that was being killed by the 15+ males.
Somehow she wound up in a box on my back porch and this afternoon we took her to the humane society. All in all a successful day.
While we know that there is a lot to be done before our big move, but we are confident that there will be a lot more fun and tomfoolery before July is over. We'll keep you fully posted.
1 comment:
Okay, I guess I'm the lame-o who hasn't been up to speed with blog reading lately...otherwise I would've already known you were going to Uganda! I can't wait to hear more about it! Very nice work on your mom's apron by the way...I love the gromets...how did you do that?? It's good motivation for me to see your handiwork because my niece wants an apron for her bday, so I have to make one sometime this week...yeah...my love/hate relationship with sewing. :)
miss you guys!
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