Just a follow up to the last post and the topic of the Mother's Day Gift I made with Ryan's help. My Mom loved it and she and my Dad were kind enough to send on some photos so you could take a look!
My Mom in her radiant kitchen-queen glory, part of which is achieved by having such a cool apron.

A close-up of the ribbon...which was one of my favorite parts of this apron. It was expensive ribbon but well worth it for the cool factor.

And here is a glimpse of Ryan's handiwork on the grommets. My parents were particularly proud of their display....notice the elephant "hooks" holding up the elephant fabric. It took me a second to catch on, but I may be more dull than you.

And just because my Dad sent this photo along, I will post it. She has NOTHING to do with the apron, but she is pretty doggone sweet. So, here is my parent's (truly she belongs to my Mom but my Dad seems to love her just as much) dog, Lucy.

I felt somewhat obligated to post her photo....not because my Mom often refers to her as "Your little sister" which is odd enough, but mostly because (and this is even more strange) Lucy will send me money from her allowance on my birthday and at Christmas. She usually sends $1.00 to me...but I think she forgot this year. So maybe this will put me back in her good graces.
In dog terms I think it would be phrased as "you rub my belly, and I'll rub yours."
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