Here in Uganda I keep hearing people say "snap-it" instead of photo, so that's what this post is called.
Click the photos and they should enlarge so you can better see them.
A street scene in Kampala - this was our walk from our hotel (Hotel Africana) to the Garden City shopping center where we had lunch (I selected Indian food) and bought our cell phone. As you can see, lots of cars and motorcycles. Not my favorite city of all time.

We visited several vschools on Monday (it was a holiday so they were closed but we did get to take a lot of photos (that you're not seeing here) and we also went to a small village, Ggolo, on Lake Victoria. While we were waiting around for our driver to buy fish (which he then tied to the front grill of the car so they wouldn't stink up the van on the ride home) these boys congregated and posed. It was so unbelievable. I did not ask them to pose this way - it just happened and they were all staring at us, so I figured it was fair enough to take their photo.
This young girl was also at the water's edge . After these photos I challenged her and her friends to a race - which is harder to communicate via charades than you'd think. They don't speak very good English and I'm certainly no pro at the local language. At any rate, the races were fun and I let them win. NOw they can say they beat a mzungu in a foot race.
More photos and updates when I get home!
The trip is going well, although my internet connectivity and ability to receive phone calls has been less than superb. I have just a few days left in Uganda and while I could enjoy spending more time here, I am also excited to get home and see Ryan. =)
Here are a few snap-its from the trip thus far. Sorry they're so small, but I'm working with a wireless connection that operates at the speed of dial-up.
Click the photos and they should enlarge so you can better see them.
A street scene in Kampala - this was our walk from our hotel (Hotel Africana) to the Garden City shopping center where we had lunch (I selected Indian food) and bought our cell phone. As you can see, lots of cars and motorcycles. Not my favorite city of all time.

Need a toilet? This guy has a new commode which he is delivering via motorcyle. Better than carrying it himself I suppose and he was still weaving through traffic with the best of them.
This was a child sitting on the sidewalk of one of the Kampala streets we drove through on our way out of town. This sort of thing will always surprise me. Just the evening before we were waiting to cross Kampala road and we saw a young child (roughly 9-10 years old) being sent by her mother to beg money from cars at the stoplight. There are worse things you could do to a child on the grand spectrum, but this was still hard to see.
On Sunday we drove to Nkozi where the Uganda Martyrs University is located - our lodging Sunday through Thursday. On the way we stopped at the Equator...sadly, I did not think to have one foot on both sides of the line like my coworker, but oh well. I've got proof that I was there.

This was a child sitting on the sidewalk of one of the Kampala streets we drove through on our way out of town. This sort of thing will always surprise me. Just the evening before we were waiting to cross Kampala road and we saw a young child (roughly 9-10 years old) being sent by her mother to beg money from cars at the stoplight. There are worse things you could do to a child on the grand spectrum, but this was still hard to see.

On Sunday we drove to Nkozi where the Uganda Martyrs University is located - our lodging Sunday through Thursday. On the way we stopped at the Equator...sadly, I did not think to have one foot on both sides of the line like my coworker, but oh well. I've got proof that I was there.

We visited several vschools on Monday (it was a holiday so they were closed but we did get to take a lot of photos (that you're not seeing here) and we also went to a small village, Ggolo, on Lake Victoria. While we were waiting around for our driver to buy fish (which he then tied to the front grill of the car so they wouldn't stink up the van on the ride home) these boys congregated and posed. It was so unbelievable. I did not ask them to pose this way - it just happened and they were all staring at us, so I figured it was fair enough to take their photo.

1 comment:
LL, can't wait to hear more and see more photos. Safe travels home to you!
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