You can imagine me typing and having "ONE! MONTH! Til BERKELEY!" running through my brain. Again and again.
In some ways it feels very much like we're living that line....there is little sleep until we reach Berkeley. For now our time is jammed with packing and trying to hang out with friends in Indiana before the fateful day of departure.
As the Beastie Boys said..."I'll be rocking this party eight days a week."
So while we rock the party 8 days a week for the next month, we also look toward the future and what await us.
Such as????
A 3rd floor apartment in Cal student housing called "West Village" which is located a few miles from campus. During Ryan's spring trip to Berkeley, he drove past West Village toured one unit, so we have a sense for what life there might be like. And life there sounds like it might be pretty good. Here is the floor plan for our apartment.

And even better...some photos from Ryan's trip thanks to our friend KA who joined (with camera in hand) the Berkeley Bandwagon Funtime Bonanza. Both KA and our friend BB toured Berkeley with Ryan, making sure to show him the highlights and point out the lovely weather and resulting foliage which comes with sunny March weather.
Here is our soon-to-be neighborhood of West Village.

We have a lot to do before we move, but at least we can stop thinking about where we'll be living. We didn't know until Monday night (7/8) whether we'd have the option of a 2 bedroom with student housing or a 635 Square foot 1 bedroom unit.
In the meantime we've kept busy by packing, playing, and planning a yard sale. That's right, the pre-move yard sale. We thought we'd purged most of the non-essential items before leaving Boston, but it turns out you can always find more things you don't absolutely need when money is involved.
The best part of the yard sale is that we'll be gathering with about 5 other friends for a multi-family sale. If you don't already know, yard sales can be pretty slow and dull at times so friends keep it interesting. There has even been talk of digging out a deep fryer so we can have fresh donuts in the morning. I LOVE my Indiana-Michigan friends. Where ELSE would we be able to deep fry donuts?
More updates as the come...
Yeah...can't wait until you are only 1 state away...even though it'll still be about 12 hours driving.
Fresh deep-fried donuts...that's midwest for ya! :)
YIPPEEEEEEEE! California is anxiously awaiting your arrival! And, if you need to liven up the yard sale, just make sure to turn on the sprinklers in the middle of it. :)
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