At my present job, we recently got an email saying that our entire department (roughly 200 people) would be treated to a movie of our choice at the posh Browning Theater here on campus. We could vote on 1 of 4 movies:
- Men in Black
- Mission Impossible
- Holes
- Star Trek: First Contact
Because I work in Information Technology (IT). And all those IT basement dwellers like Star Trek. (By the way, I too am a basement dweller - but not by choice)
As it turns out, about 66 people cast their vote (pathetic!) and 43 votes were for Star Trek.
Go figure.
So, over lunch last week my two colleagues and I decided we'd have a little fun at the movie. Maybe I coerced them.
But whatever - it was good for everyone this time.
I am happy to admit that I saw the movie "Star Trek: First Contact" when it came out in theaters in 1996. Yes, I have watched a little Star Trek in my day and I kinda like it. But I am not above making fun of it.
The plan was to come up with a costume the 3 of us would wear to the movie. But the costume could not involve:
- a body-hugging jump suit
- face paint
- require special hand dexterity.

Instead, our costumes required that I tear apart our broken DVD player, use my sharpie markers and a glue gun to turn my 2 colleagues and myself into Borg. For those of you not familiar with Star Trek, the Borg are a menacing species.
They are know for the following statement:
"We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile."
The Borg are sort of a hive-like species that operate with many drone bodies sharing a collective mind. Hey! It's kind of like working in IT!

The good news is that even if you ARE assimilated into the Borg, you may, through gallant rescue, be returned to your former self. Well kind of. Here is "Seven of Nine" who was assimilated into the Borg but then later rescued. It's a serious case of "before....and after."

Note the metallic objects still embedded on Seven of Nine's head in the photo on the righ. But I digress.
Our posse decided to wear all black and to sport some head gear to give us the appearance of being in the Borg collective. Here are the props in my costume shop. Most of these came from our broken DVD player.

This particular piece made me nervous because of that bright yellow battery-like object in the center. I colored around this one VERY carefully.

The last photo is where we assimilated our manager. Like I said...resistance is futile.
Dang, and I thought Silicon Valley was geeky!! One year our marketing team dressed up as Y2K for Halloween...but this doesn't begin to touch it!
Thanks for the Borg info - I've never seen Star Trek and never heard of a Borg. Geez...but I LOVE your enthusiasm.
liz, you are an inspiration. love the picasa photos. i can't believe you pulled that off. wow.
WOW! I love your creativity! :)
Um, can I just say that you are hilarious? Leave it to Liz to get people to dress up for an office viewing of Star Trek.
By the way, do you remember what my maiden name is??? :)
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