Monday, August 04, 2008

Uganda Photos and Video

I have been meaning to post photos from my trip to Uganda, but as you might imagine, we have a lot going on. What with packing, making Borg costumes, and general summer fun, I've gotten a little bit behind on some things.

Fortunately, I also have some video to post that my coworker took. I haven't had a chance to edit any of the video so you can MUTE the volume, or just ignore the bits of fuzzy conversation in the background. It isn't relevant to the moving images.

This video was taken in the produce section of the Nakasero market in Kampala.

This video was taken on Kampala streets by my colleague while I was shopping frantically for fabrics:

Video as we drove through Kampala, leaving the city and heading toward Kasubi Palace & Tombs:

Here are some of my favorite photos from the trip.

On the way to Kasubi Palace & Tombs in Kampala:
Kasubi Palace and Tombs:
Inside the Palace, looking up at the thatched roof. The walls are covered in bark cloth:

Shores of Lake Victoria:
A fresh catch of Nile Perch:
Boys who stared with deep curiosity as we waited for our driver to get back to the van. Also at Lake Victoria:
Young girl at Lake Victoria who indulged me in some foot races:
First Grade student at the school where we visited 3 times and observed lessons:
Fifth Grade classroom we visited...roughly 100 students in this class:
Third Grade classroom we visited:
Kayabwe Trading Center where we would pass through each day on our way to the school:

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