Sunday, September 21, 2008

Article on Obama

I quite like Nicholas Kristof for his attempts to raise awareness of human rights abuses, issues of poverty, etc through his Op-Ed columns on the New York Times. I don't always agree with his suggest methods of correcting injustices, but at least he is trying to increase visibility!

I really enjoyed this article about Barack Obama and rumors (false rumors) about his faith.
Please...make sure you read at least the first three paragraphs.

And...if you find you were misinformed about Obama's spiritual beliefs and were using this as your basis upon which to cast your vote in November...please, think again.


Abby Green said...

Thanks for sharing this article! I found the line about making religious prejudice as a proxy for racial prejudice quite interesting. Barack is our man!! :)

The Lady V said...

GREAT article - Kristof's accusation that religious prejudice is becoming a proxy for racial prejudice was eye-opening...and quite likely to be true, I'm sad to say. Thanks guys!

Glenn+Jenn+Owen+Ian said...

Great article, thanks for the post.