Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Labor Free Day

We had the surprise fortune of spending some time over Labor Day with our friend BB at a lovely "estate" where she wound up housesitting. It was a Labor Free Day for us. From swimming pools to tree houses we had fun.

Pool time. A prerequisite for tree house adventures

Tarzan, meet....


We had the fortune of eating good food with old friends....
And then sharing the joys of the tree house with them!

When we returned home we were sad to look out our window and see other apartments instead of a glorious patio, lawn, and the hills which make up the landscape of Woodside. But we were also amused to see the portable washing machine perched outside our neighbor's door. I wonder if they realize they have just displayed a prohibited appliance right across from the Resident Advisor's front door? If they can get away with a washing machine, then we can probably get away with having a cat. Time to call the SPCA for those adoption papers!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

um, HELLO! People actually live like that??? That pool is amazing. I always wondered who actually bought those sweet lounge chairs from Pottery Barn.